Small Is Beautiful: Economics as If People Mattered

Small Is Beautiful: Economics as If People Mattered - E.F. Schumacher This book was thoroughly frustrating. I originally thought it was a newly published book. No it was published in 1973. The studies it references were made anywhere from the 50s through the 60s. Those studies pretty much predict a number of the problems we're having now. Resources depletion, environmental destruction, huge gaps between rich and poor and philanthropy that dumps money on the problem without solving anything. All of these warnings and those in power just chug forward because technology will improve and fix all these problems we're creating.

I found this frustrating to read because the current group in power, which includes people who are old enough to remember the 70s, claim they had no idea of the negative impact that "progress" would create. They lie or are willfully ignorant. The damage has been known for as long as I've been alive and they chose to do nothing, because profit rules all.